If you are wondering if ice packs can help with hemorrhoids, the short answer is, yes, they do.
However, ice packs aren’t a cure-all solution for hemorrhoids or any other medical condition. And understanding how they work for hemorrhoids will help you make the most of this homemade treatment.
Learn how ice packs help hemorrhoidal symptoms and how to use them for maximum relief.
Will an ice pack make hemorrhoids go away?
An ice pack will help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. But it will not make your condition go away.
Making hemorrhoids go away permanently does not happen the same way for everyone. Solutions will differ depending on the extent and severity of your hemorrhoids. I was able to put an end to the condition through a combination of home remedies, medical interventions, diet improvements, and lifestyle changes.
So, you can expect to make changes in all these areas too if you wish to get rid of the condition for good.

Ice packs alone will not cure the condition completely. However, they remain a convenient homemade solution for getting immediate relief when your hemorrhoid symptoms flare up.
They’re simply an additional remedy you can use to ease the painful lumps when your swollen veins begin acting up.
How often should you ice hemorrhoids?
You can use ice packs to treat hemorrhoids about four or five times a day on average. Remember that it depends on how the severity of the symptoms.
For instance, sometimes, you only experience mild discomfort in the anal area as you change positions or remain seated for too long. Pressing an ice pack softly on the area may provide immediate relief and keep away discomfort for the rest of the day. So, you don’t have to keep reusing an ice pack if one application did the job.
Other times, you may have to perform the treatment several times throughout your day. That means you’ll need to retain the ice bag and have access to ice cubes for the whole day.
Be careful not to overuse the ice pack for relief. Excessive exposure to cold may leave your rectum and anal area stiff and icy. The cold causes your tissues to contract further, leading to additional pressure on the swollen veins. Too much pressure may cause your hemorrhoids to pop and bleed.
However, you can continue using an ice pack multiple times as long as it’s in moderation and with appropriate care.
What’s better for hemorrhoids, heat or cold?
There’s no black-and-white answer to this debate because both heat and cold help treats hemorrhoid symptoms. It’s simply a matter of using each treatment correctly.
Cold treatment with ice packs can help inflammation and reduce pain. The anus has many vascular cells and nerve endings that amplify the pain caused by hemorrhoids. Ice packs can provide a numbing sensation that helps reduce the pinching pain in the tissues. The cold can also shrink the tissues, which helps swollen veins to settle down and prevent extreme discomfort.
Heat treatment brings an opposite but an equally effective benefit to hemorrhoids. Exposing the affected area to warmth will allow your anal sphincter to relax. Consequently, there’s more blood flow to these affected tissues, which encourages faster healing and relief. The warmth will also soothe the swollen tissues that may contract and cause more discomfort in cold weather.
Soaking your bottom in warm water is an excellent home remedy for pregnant women with hemorrhoids.
The verdict here is that both treatments offer clear benefits. Wisely utilizing simple alternatives like warm water and ice packs will do wonders for soothing the pain, reducing inflammation, and minimizing the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
How to make an ice pack for hemorrhoids at home?
Here’s how you can make a quick ice pack at home.
- Grab a tray of ice cubes from the freezer
- Get a sealable bag or any bag that can hold the ice cubes.
- Fill a sealable bag with the ice cubes.
- Optional: You can crush the ice cubes, which makes the bag assume a more even and flexible shape.
- Wrap or cover the bag using a soft cloth or clean towel (Direct contact with the freezing bag may aggravate your hemorrhoids).
That’s how easy it is to get your hemorrhoids ice pack ready!
Here’s how to apply it correctly.
- Stand with your legs about a foot apart or lie down on your sides
- Gently press the bag into the anal area and hold for a few minutes
- Move the bag away, allowing the affected area to warm up to normal
- Repeat this motion a few times till you find adequate relief from the pain.
You can use store-bought gel packs, too, if you run out of ice cubes. Gel packs remain a convenient alternative if you want to perform this home treatment regularly. Plus, it saves water in the long run since you don’t have to keep refilling the ice trays.
Is warm water bottle good for hemorrhoids?
Yes. Warm water bottles remain a viable treatment for hemorrhoids at home.
Treating your hemorrhoids with heat and warmth can take place in different ways. Submerging your bottom into a warm bath is an excellent way to soothe the affected area. Dabbing and applying a soft cloth (soaked with warm water) is another good alternative.
However, you don’t always have the time and or privacy to go for these treatments, especially if you’re not at home. That’s when a warm water bottle comes in handy.
Use the water bottle as a warm compress by holding it against the anal area gently. Repeat as often as you need. It should provide relief to the discomfort and ease the swelling throughout the day.
Closing Note
So, do ice packs help with hemorrhoids? They sure do!
Just remember that ice packs are home remedies that supplement hemorrhoidal treatment. They are NOT stand-alone cures for the condition.
Wondering how to spice up your warm baths? Learn how Epsom salt baths can help in healing and hygiene when enduring hemorrhoidal symptoms.