How To Deal With Hemorrhoids When Pregnant

Developing hemorrhoids when pregnant brings physical discomfort, mental anxiety, and constant irritation to your changing body. It’s vital for expecting mothers to remain healthy and trouble-free during this crucial time. 

So, I’m sharing my thoughts, experience, and expertise on managing, preventing, and alleviating the symptoms, even as you prepare to welcome a new addition to your family. 

What Causes Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy?

 Your body ramps up the blood flow toward your pelvic area during pregnancy. Also, your little one’s growing size and expanding uterus dilate and enlarge the blood veins around the anus. This extra strain and stress directed downwards are often why hemorrhoids happen during pregnancy. 

As you eat for two and the pregnancy hormones kick in, your diet and bowel movement may change. So, hard stool and resulting constipation may also cause the veins and tissue down there to bulge and swell up. 

Many mothers develop the condition during or after labor too. Here, it’s caused by the intense strain and physical stress your body goes through during delivery. 

Are Hemorrhoids Dangerous For The Baby During Pregnancy?

A common misconception about hemorrhoids is that they can affect your baby’s health or well-being in the womb. Let me set the record straight and tell you that no evidence suggests such risk. 

Of course, you should still stick to practices that ensure your good health and your baby’s safety. This means doing all you can to eliminate the hemorrhoids or minimize their effects. 

Your own discomfort aside, there isn’t much reason to worry about your baby’s health because of the hemorrhoids. 

What To Do If I Have Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy?

I’ve found that treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy is best done through over-the-counter ointments, home remedies, and small tweaks in your lifestyle. 

I’ll group them under different headings so that you can easily take in the information and focus on each area. 

Over-the-counter Products

A common solution I recommend to friends is witch hazel. You can buy them as medicated pads that are easy and convenient. 

Your doctor may also prescribe specific hemorrhoid creams depending on your condition. I would advise sticking to the medical professional’s prescription for the best results. 

The clinic may also recommend anal suppositories that are uncomfortable but work well if used correctly. 

Home Remedies

There are a few remedies you can take up in the comfort of your home. 

For instance, soaking the affected area in warm water is my go-to advice for expecting mothers who can’t visit a doctor at short notice. Use a tub or basin that can fit you comfortably. The warm water will soothe the swollen veins and ease the irritation. 

Pure aloe also works well as a source of relief. Apply it to your rectal area and let it sit for some time. Some people recommend coconut oil too. But I personally haven’t tried it yet, so I’ll let you be the judge there.

Avoiding Extra Pressure On Your Bottom

Sitting for long periods will make your hemorrhoids worse. The swelling may increase because of the prolonged weight and pressure on your butt. So, make sure you stand, walk, and stretch your legs every now and then. 

Use a hemorrhoid or doughnut pillow to relieve some weight and pressure. Trust me, your butt will thank you for it later. 

Also, mix up your position when lying down. Don’t rest on your back the entire time. You can sleep on your sides or prone with your stomach down in between. 


Constipation remains a top offender for causing hemorrhoids. Ensure that your eating habits are healthy and promote good bowel movements. 

Is Normal Delivery Possible With Hemorrhoids?

Yes. You can experience a normal and healthy delivery even if you develop hemorrhoids before, during, or after labor. 

However, all the pushing and exerting in the labor room can worsen existing hemorrhoids. But it’s not uncommon for expecting mothers to experience it in the delivery room. You’re doing a lot of pushing, after all! 

With hemorrhoids flaring up, you may experience more discomfort and soreness during and after the delivery. But it can go away in a week or two if you practice the correct habits. 

How To Avoid Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

As already mentioned, constipation and irregular bowel movement can invite or worsen hemorrhoids during pregnancy. So, preventing these conditions will help you avoid hemorrhoids even as you deal with pregnancy. 

Drink more water than you think necessary. And go crazy on fiber-rich foods. That means a lot of fruits, green veggies, nuts, legumes, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc. 

The added weight and pressure on your body is unavoidable. So, squeeze in some physical activity and exercise to ensure that you’re not sitting on your butt the entire day. 

Don’t worry if you cannot avoid hemorrhoids entirely during pregnancy. The home remedies, practices, and fixes mentioned here can help you get rid of them soon after your baby is born. 

Are Pregnancy Hemorrhoids Permanent?

Hemorrhoids are usually temporary conditions that go away faster with the right remedies. 

However, the duration depends on your particular condition. Small swells may go away on their own within a few days of delivery. Prominent hemorrhoids may last for weeks and require medical intervention for a cure. These types bring more discomfort, pain, and irritation. 

The bad news is that they may stick around till the end of pregnancy and for some time after. But the good news is that they’re very treatable and may even disappear without medication. 

Closing Note

I believe that the right lifestyle habits, diet, and knowledge will help any expecting mother deal with hemorrhoids and find relief fast. To that end, I’ve compiled this short guide to help you manage the condition and prevent it from worsening, even as you anticipate the joy of welcoming a newborn. 

Developing hemorrhoids when pregnant can threaten to ruin the excitement of having a baby, but the proper diet and habits can ensure that it remains a magical experience altogether.