Does Sitting Cause Hemorrhoids?

When the veins stretch in the lower rectum due to increasing pressure in the abdominal area, hemorrhoids are formed. There is a network of veins surrounding your anus and the rectum. Hemorrhoids can develop when there is swelling or inflammation in the veins around those parts.

Many factors are responsible for the formation of pressure in the lower rectum, like lifting heavy objects, pregnancy, etc. However, the most common cause of hemorrhoids in humans is long hours of sitting.

If you have been wondering, ‘does sitting cause hemorrhoids?’ this article will give you a better understanding of how hemorrhoids are caused.

Can Sitting For Long Periods Of Time Cause Hemorrhoids?

Sitting for a long time is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids in people. The veins around the rectum and anus are sensitive and stretch when sitting for too long.

When these veins get stretched, they lose their resilience since they are fragile. After getting stretched, the veins are overstuffed with blood, which is how hemorrhoids develop.

Hemorrhoids are common in humans and are not a big deal. It usually develops in people who have gone past their mid-40s mark. People who spend their days sitting for long hours are very prone to early hemorrhoid development.

However, there is a massive difference between sitting on hard and soft surfaces. If you are sitting on a hard surface, your buttock will feel more pressure. On a softer surface, your buttocks will not feel much pressure.

People who sit in the toilet for a long time have the highest chances of experiencing hemorrhoid development early. This is because your anus and rectum receive extreme pressure when you sit on the toilet for a long time.

How Long Do You Need To Seat To Potentially Cause Hemorrhoids?

You develop hemorrhoids when you apply too much pressure on the veins around the anus and rectum. This is the reason why you should not sit for long hours. Sitting is one of the most common causes of early hemorrhoids in humans.

When it comes to sitting, the act that can have the most significant impact on the development of hemorrhoids is prolonged sitting on the toilet. Many people are guilty of picking up their smart devices and browsing while they’re in the bathroom – which can lead to them spending an extended amount of time there. Unfortunately, this habit has been linked to an increased risk of developing hemorrhoids at a young age.

The effects of long-term sitting on the toilet are due to the rectal area being subjected to extreme pressure and strain for longer than necessary. To avoid this problem, medical professionals recommend limiting your time spent in the lavatory to no more than 15 minutes at a time. This will help reduce your chances of developing hemorrhoids later down the line.

There are also many people who have trouble with their bowel movements. If you are someone whose bowel movement takes time, it is better to get up from your sitting position and try again after a while. We are suggested to sit only for aboutc ten to fifteen minutes on the toilet.

Can Sitting Cause Both Internal And External Hemorrhoids?

Sitting is one of the main factors that cause hemorrhoids to form in the rectum. They can be of two types – internal and external.

External hemorrhoids are swollen veins located near or around the outside of the anus and are often quite painful. These veins can become inflamed and irritated due to several factors, such as constipation, excessive straining during bowel movements, sitting for long periods, and aging. 

One of the tell-tale signs of an external hemorrhoid is a hard lump that can be felt on the skin surrounding the anus. This lump may also be accompanied by a blood clot which causes sharp, piercing pain when touched. The clot will eventually dissolve over time, leaving behind excess skin, which can cause further irritation in the form of itching and burning sensations. On the other hand, internal hemorrhoids develop in the lower rectum. Unlike external hemorrhoids, it does not make you uncomfortable or has a painful experience. Internal hemorrhoids might sometimes result in bleeding from your anus, but it still does not cause pain.

There can be situations where the internal hemorrhoids may extend beyond the anus and cause a few problems. There can be times when it feels irritated or itchy, as it gathers tiny waste particles from stools and mucus when protruding. You should avoid scratching or rubbing the area in such situations to prevent more problems.

Can Certain Occupations Or Hobbies Increase The Risk Of Developing Hemorrhoids From Sitting?

Most jobs require you to sit on a chair, but there are some jobs where you need to work for long hours. The people who work at desk jobs and drive trucks and taxis are most prone to hemorrhoid development.

Some solutions to minimize your risk of developing hemorrhoids include exercising daily, maintaining a healthy diet, taking frequent breaks from work, using ergonomic chairs, etc.

Can Sitting Cause Hemorrhoids To Bleed?

Bleeding from hemorrhoids happens due to various reasons, and sitting is one of them. This is true, especially when sitting in the toilet for long periods.

When you spend time in the toilet for too long, the blood gets overstuffed in the veins and worsens the hemorrhoids. It forces the swollen veins to get pushed out further.

The best way to avoid the risk of worsening your hemorrhoids is to sit for only a couple of minutes in the toilet. You should get up for a while and try again if your bowel movement doesn’t start by then.


When the pressure increases in the lower abdominal area, hemorrhoids will form. It is a condition where your veins swell and enlarges around the anus and rectum.

So, if you’re still wondering, ‘does sitting cause hemorrhoids?’ the answer is YES! Sitting is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids, as the veins lose their elasticity around the rectum and anus due to straining during bowel movement.

If you sit on a hard surface, you have a higher risk of forming hemorrhoids. Sitting on softer surfaces will also cause hemorrhoids but will have less impact. The best way to minimize the risks is to move every 10-15 minutes.

About the author

As the author of this website, I have firsthand experience with hemorrhoids and want to share what works and what doesn't when it comes to treating this condition. I hope to offer my experience and support to others struggling with hemorrhoids, and provide helpful tips to live a pain-free life.