Lidocaine for Hemorrhoids

The use of Lidocaine for hemorrhoids has been a popular treatment for a lot of people. The primary benefit of this medication is the pain relief and soothing of discomfort it offers. 

The correct application of Lidocaine ensures maximum benefit while minimizing the risk of the dreaded side effects. 

Discover how this topical medication can ward off annoying hemorrhoidal symptoms, how best to use it, and other alternatives that may serve the same purpose. 

What is Lidocaine and how does it work for hemorrhoids?

Lidocaine is a common medication used to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by various medical conditions, including hemorrhoids. In its essence, this medicine serves as a topical anesthetic. That means it numbs and desensitizes the affected area so that you experience less pain, itchiness, and harsh irritation that hemorrhoids cause. 

Lidocaine 5% cream for hemorrhoids

Lidocaine hydrochloride, as it’s called, provides relief by obstructing some of the nerve signals running through the affected area. 

Swollen veins, itchy skin, and irritable tissues are common ways hemorrhoids can trouble you. Lidocaine enters skin tissues and prevents nerve cells from sending pain signals and messages to your brain. 

As a result, you experience less pain, irritation, and discomfort if the right amount of Lidocaine is applied to your affected area. 

How do you use Lidocaine for hemorrhoids?

Follow the same cream-application process as you would for other topical creams used for hemorrhoids. 

Some Lidocaine creams and ointments may come with an applicator. Applicators are pointy tips that screw on the tube’s cap, allowing easier application. 

In most instances, the recommended dose for Lidocaine maybe two or three times a day. You can apply the cream/ointment once in the morning, before bed, and after every bowel movement. 

What are the potential side effects of using Lidocaine for hemorrhoids?

Lidocaine has been known to cause different side effects in people. These symptoms may vary depending on your current health or existing medical conditions. That’s why getting a professional clinician’s opinion is vital before you start using the medication immediately. 

Common side effects of Lidocaine include:

People with conditions like G6PD or Porphyria should avoid Lidocaine because local anesthetics react poorly with these medical conditions. 

Also, following the advised dosage is crucial. Do not overuse the ointment because that may also increase the risk of these annoying side effects. You should not ingest topical creams like Lidocaine, even by accident. It can lead to swollen gums, numb mouth, or even hoarseness of the voice. 

Quickly bring it to the attention of a qualified doctor if you develop any of these Lidocaine side effects. Also, you can request your doctor to prescribe other medications that may have the same benefits as Lidocaine without the side effects.

Are there any alternative treatments for hemorrhoids besides Lidocaine?

Yes. A wide variety of hemorrhoidal creams and ointments may replace Lidocaine or supplement its use. 


Benzocaine is a close alternative to Lidocaine because they both serve as local anesthetics for multiple medical conditions. Benzocaine provides relief from the itchiness, swelling, and continued discomfort from ongoing hemorrhoids. 


Hydrocortisone cream is not an active anesthetic but an astringent that fights the inflammation experienced during hemorrhoids. It’s not an exact substitute for Lidocaine but will serve equally well. 

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is another astringent that treats inflammation and relieves the pain and irritation of hemorrhoidal swelling. 


Phenylephrine also alleviates some of the pain and reduces inflammation during hemorrhoids. It’s a good alternative to consider for people who find Lidocaine creams unsuitable. 

Mineral Oil

Edible mineral oils can help soften your stool and ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Topical mineral oils like petroleum jelly will lubricate the affected area and ease the discomfort. 

What are the differences between different products of Lidocaine?

Lidocaine Cream and Ointment

Lidocaine products that come in the form of creams and ointments serve as topical treatments for hemorrhoids. Dosage usually includes about three applications a day. 

Lidocaine Gel/Jelly

Lidocaine in gel form is normally used in surgical or medical procedures that involve inserting surgical equipment. The gel lubricates the tissue and also numbs the pain. 

Lidocaine Patches

If you want a solution for hemorrhoidal pain relief throughout the day, Lidocaine patches are a good idea. These patches are stuck to the affected area and can stay in place for the entire day (over 12 hours). 

Lidocaine Spray

The spray application is easier to use and more convenient to apply. You can keep Lidocaine sprays for numbing areas difficult to reach by hand. However, remember that the effect is not as strong as the cream or ointments. 

Lidocaine Suppositories

Lidocaine also comes in bead-like medicated units that you can insert in the rectum for relief and ease. This one’s an effective solution because the medication melts and reaches all the affected areas once inside. 


Lidocaine’s pain-relieving and tissue-soothing effects make it a noteworthy medication in treating hemorrhoids. However, like any other topical medication, it’s not a one-stop solution for curing hemorrhoids. 

Side effects associated with Lidocaine can worry patients who have never tried it before. But correct application at home can reduce the risk of these effects and increase the benefits of the cream. 

If the medication does not suit you, many other alternatives exist for hemorrhoidal symptoms. For instance, hydrocortisone cream remains an effective remedy for topical treatment of hemorrhoids. Learn more about how hydrocortisone relieves hemorrhoidal symptoms and how to use it correctly